So my birthday is coming up! I love my birthday and always have. 🙂 It’s kind of like your own personal New Years!
This year because of situations with career, etc. I decided not to throw an event of my own but do something fun and free with everyone who wants to come… of all ages!
So if you are interested in helping me celebrate my birthday then we are going skating at Harbourfront Centre on Saturday night from 8-11pm for DJ Skate Night brought to you by Promise! It’s free (skate rental is $7 if you need to rent) but it will definitely be fun.
Hey everyone! Happy 2009! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the support over the years! It’s so great to see all of you out at gigs that I’m playing at and can’t wait to see all of you again.
I’ve received a lot of requests for mixes for download. I’ve taken all of my mixes and made them as downloadable links so just right click and save as to take them, put them on your computer, your ipod or anywhere you want to listen to them! 🙂
Some things you can expect from Lady Bass this year are:
–internet radio shows
–gigs, gigs and more gigs
–streaming video on the site
–more image galleries
–and finally – Lady Bass spinning more than just Hard Dance… that’s right… I’m branching out to other genres so be sure to keep checking back for more mixes and gigs in more than just hard dance. 🙂