It’s almost Saturday! Which means it’s almost time for the CHILLS DJs to take over the Kathedral at Darkrave!
Here are the set times:
9-10 – Fuzzboy
10-11 – Bliz
11-12 – Marty McFly
12-1 – Lady Bass
1-2 – Grimace
2-3 – Ken Finch
3-4 – Mz.DeMeaner
Also – be sure to tune into Saturday Sessions on Saturday for Takeover. You still have until Saturday morning to vote for your favourite set to hear on the show so be sure to get your votes in now!
For those of you who missed the special Halloween Saturday Sessions with special guest Paladin 6.0 – the podcast is now live, so be sure to go to iTunes and search for “Saturday Sessions” or “Lady Bass” to subscribe and download!